Switching cat to high protein diet

Is Your Cat a Finicky Eater? If your veterinarian has recommended a special therapeutic cat food for a specific health condition, please be sure to discuss transitioning to the new cat food in detail. During the first few days of transitioning to a set schedule, you can offer canned food during the dry food meals,… Read More »

Grain free diets leading to heart disease

Many of these case reports included breeds of dogs not previously known to have a genetic predisposition to the disease. Based on the data collected and analyzed thus far, the agency believes that the potential association between diet and DCM in dogs is a complex scientific issue that may involve multiple factors. However, this case… Read More »

Burnt out on diet foods

Obviously, a banana is more nutritious compared to the empty calories found in Coca-Cola. I found myself rebelling against my own carefully culled ideals, throwing certain standards out the window in the name of survival mode and stress burnt. Please fill out the following fields to receive the butnt by email. It handles the entire… Read More »