Author Archives: Health

How to have coffee on a diet

Australian Women’s Weekly. There’s so much conflicting information out there about whether or not coffee helps you gain or lose weight, so we asked an expert to respond to one of our most common reader questions on the topic, and give us a straight answer. Fitness This super-ripped personal trainer reveals the fastest way to… Read More »

Monkfruit sweetener mediterranean diet

The mediterranean of low-calorie sugar substitutes has almost quadrupled since the s. Walton, A. With regard to mediterranean sweeteners and glycemic response [in diabetics], 4 randomized monkfruit that varied from 1 to 16 monkfruit in duration found no significant difference between the effects of nonnutritive sweeteners and various comparisons sweetener, starch, or placebo on standard… Read More »

Statins side effects: The eight most common side effects, which includes nosebleeds

Foods high in saturated fat include: Meat pies Sausages and fatty cuts of meat Butter Ghee – a type of butter often used in Indian cooking Lard Cream. “However, a balanced diet should still include unsaturated fats, which have been shown to increase levels of good cholesterol and help reduce any blockage in your arteries,”… Read More »