Tag Archives: stroke

A small chip under the skin may predict second stroke

For patients who have experienced certain common types of stroke, a small chip inserted under the skin may help physicians predict their likelihood of experiencing a second stroke, and therefore their likelihood of benefiting from preventive therapy. The findings come from a recent clinical trial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and… Read More »

Diets for heart disease and stroke

Some people choose to follow specific diets to improve their health. You might choose a particular diet because of your medical history, cultural background or personal preferences. Or your healthcare provider might suggest a specific diet to address a medical condition or concern. In a 2, calorie-a-day diet, that is the equivalent of 48 grams… Read More »

Blood diet for stroke

Some people choose to follow specific diets to improve their health. Frying should be avoided. Med Sci Monit ; 13 :CR1—8. When ranked in order of importance, among the interventions available to prevent stroke, the three most important are probably diet, smoking cessation and blood pressure control. Drinking a little alcohol is okay, and it… Read More »