Author Archives: Health

Is there fructose in diet drinks

The third study lasted 6 mo. J Clin Invest. Some metabolic responses after 6 months of drinking 1 L of 1 of 4 beverages each day 1. Advanced Search. Soft drink intake from to View Metrics. Soft drinks increase a number of health risks. Some brands contain over 10 grams of sugar in only one… Read More »

Diet for 25 year old male

If your body is so damaged that you struggle to go through a period of time without food, now is the time to correct that. Avoid anything that is processed, covered in cheese or dressing, and greasy. The weekends can be very challenging for college students because of the pressure to go to parties, where… Read More »

Are eggs part of an alkaline diet

Ingredients that are acidic in nature when digested by the body are meats, dairy products, eggs, certain whole grains, refined sugars and processed food items. Contrary to the belief that citrus fruits are highly acidic and would have an acidic effect on the body, they are the best source of alkaline foods. The U. More… Read More »

Best kind of milk for keto diet

Share on: Is Milk Keto? Others simply have bext allergy to dairy products, and those who are on a low carb or low calorie diet may choose to avoid certain keto of milk because of carb or calorie content. In this guide, we will provide best with the kind options you can rely on. Become… Read More »