Why yoga helps with weight loss

This week, we asked exercise researchers and nutrition specialists: Does yoga help with weight loss? Beth A. Typically, weight loss occurs when a person’s calorie intake i. Many yoga practices burn fewer calories than traditional exercise e. So, individuals will become more aware of what they are eating and make better food choices. Instead,individuals will… Read More »

High fat vegan diet hormone spike

In this study: Subjects lost a little less than a pound on the low-fat, and three and a half pounds on the keto diet. Some variations, like the ketotarian diet, do allow for some fruit and more relaxed carb macros. Saturated and hydrogenated fat have harmful effects on health such as weight gain which is… Read More »

Is ham good for low cholesterol diet

An average 4-ounce serving, for example, has only calories and about 4 grams of total fat, of which only 1 gram is saturated fat. Swapping out red meat for fish — especially fattier varieties, like salmon — may contribute to lower cholesterol numbers overall, says Sue Gebo, RD, MPH, a nutrition expert and assistant professor… Read More »

Aha on keto diet

According to Dr. Kim Williams, former president of the American College of Cardiology, no one should adopt the ketogenic diet over the long term—unless weight loss is more important than lifespan. If all you wanted was short-term weight loss—and short-term could be a year or two—if that’s all you’re looking for, great. Williams’ argument is… Read More »