Why is a weight loss

By | October 2, 2020

why is a weight loss

Maybe you eat a bit too much during the holidays and gain a bit of weight, or you come down with the stomach flu and end up dropping a few pounds—a slight swing on the scale is normal and nothing to worry about. Cappola says. In fact, unexplained weight loss could be an early sign of a serious health condition, says Kerry Hildreth, M. Weight loss is a common symptom of hyperthyroidism —or an over-active thyroid, Dr. This means your thyroid—the butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that helps regulate your metabolism and growth—is pumping out too many hormones, resulting in a slew of body changes. Sleeping problems or feeling hot all the time are also common symptoms of an over-active thyroid, she says. Hildreth adds. Celiac disease —an autoimmune disorder common in white people in which ingesting gluten causes damage to the small intestine—can lead to a drop in weight, and tends to be accompanied by other GI symptoms like bloating and diarrhea, says Jamile Wakim-Fleming, M.

Just because your weight loss has stalled, don’t revert to bad habits. These tips can help you restart your weight-loss plan. You’ve been working hard to follow a healthy, low-calorie diet and improve your exercise habits, and your reward has been watching your weight go down and feeling better. Now, however, for no reason you can identify, the scale has stopped budging. You’ve hit a weight-loss plateau. Don’t get discouraged. It’s normal for weight loss to slow and even stall.

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This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Physiological adaptations to weight loss and factors favouring weight regain. In part, this is because when you cut calories, the body gets needed energy initially by releasing its stores of glycogen, a type of carbohydrate found in the muscles and liver. Sleeping problems or feeling hot all the time are also common symptoms of an over-active thyroid, she says. British Dietetic Association. Work with your doctor or other health care professional for an accurate diagnosis. American Family Physician. Wallace Video Build resilience to better handle diabetes C.