Author Archives: Health

Military diet 10 day plan

The three-day military diet, also called the three-day diet, is a quick weight-loss program that includes three days of a very specific eating plan followed by four days of a less restrictive, low-calorie plan. Proponents of the plan claim you can lose up to 10 pounds a week or 30 pounds in a month while… Read More »

Will diet pepsi make you fat

One study from suggests a connection between artificial sweeteners, the gut microbiome, and glucose intolerance. Calories are often used to describe the ciet content of food and drinks, and can be found on most food and drink labels. She also references two randomized, controlled trials that showed less weight gain make diet vs regular. The… Read More »

For the COVID-vaccinated in Canada, a void in public health advice: ‘They seem to be working on it’

Breadcrumb Trail Links News Health Canada With 9.5 million combined doses due to be delivered by the end of March, many will soon be wondering, I’ve had my shot, now what? Author of the article: Sharon Kirkey Publishing date: Mar 25, 2021  •  2 hours ago  •  4 minute read  •  51 Comments “It’s a little… Read More »

Ketogenic diet and testosterone

This is the period before ketosis begins. In relation to this, there is also a theory that dietary fibre can impact cholesterol levels [11] and oftentimes fat and fibre within diets are inversely proportional – as one goes up, the other drops. In fact, there is some evidence that glucose is actually required for the… Read More »