Author Archives: Health

Effect of high sugar diet on joint health

It has been postulated that dietary sugar consumption contributes to increased inflammatory processes in humans, and that this may be specific to fructose alone, in sucrose or in high-fructose corn syrup HFCS. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis and systematic literature review to evaluate the relevance of fructose, sucrose, HFCS, and glucose consumption for systemic levels… Read More »

High-protein ketogenic diet .pdf

The ketogenic diet: Although a ketogenic free of carbohydrates is appropriate for individuals who are not exercising or only performing low-intensity aerobic exercise, it is not appropriate for .pdf individuals involved in high-intensity high-protein. Ketone-body production and oxidation in fasting obese humans. In starvation, glucose making, stimulating PEP CK Uses oxaloacetic, also lost another way… Read More »

Toronto health group abruptly cancels project that would see some young people get COVID vaccine now

Breadcrumb Trail Links News Health Canada The changes seem to underline the political sensitivities around Canada’s painfully slow vaccine rollout, where the hint of queue jumping is quickly snuffed out Author of the article: Tom Blackwell Publishing date: Mar 31, 2021  •  14 hours ago  •  4 minute read  •  24 Comments North York General Hospital.… Read More »

Snps and a plant based diet

Genetic differences in taste preference, food tolerance, and phytochemical absorption and metabolism all potentially influence the effect of plant-based diets on cancer risk. Diet is a mixture of carcinogens, mutagens, and protective agents, many of which are metabolized by biotransformation enzymes. Genetic polymorphisms that alter protein expression or enzyme function can modify risk. Genotypes associated… Read More »