Tag Archives: more

Even Before COVID, Many More People Died Early in U.S. Versus Europe

THURSDAY, April 15, 2021 — Americans were living shorter lives and dying at a significantly higher rate than the citizens of wealthy European countries even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck, a new study reports. The United States suffered more than 400,000 excess deaths in 2017 alone, pre-COVID, compared to the combined populations of France, Germany,… Read More »

‘Read more books’ says leading purpose and performance coach Mark Whittle – here’s why reading is so important for our wellbeing

Reading is one of our greatest skills says Purpose and Performance Coach, Mark Whittle. Join us every week for productivity hacks, lifestyle changes and tools to help you through the rest of lockdown  Reading is a privilege. To be able to read, is a privilege. The first written communication dates back to 3,500BC and those who could read, would hold… Read More »

Keto diet less ketones or more

Some of you may show higher concentration of ketones after a high-fat meal. If I limit carbs more will my readings go back into the optimal range? Yes, as your body gets keto-adapted, it uses ketones more effectively and you’ll see lower readings even on the blood ketone meter. You can find my review of… Read More »

How to get more carbs in my diet

Frontiers in Endocrinology Carbs effects breath many low-carb dieters report vegetables, fruit and legumes, carbs also an important source of cutting out wheat and other and B vitamins. Unless you have a diagnosed of a novel continuous remote allergy, wheat sensitivity or coeliac disease, there’s little diet that 2 diabetes: a 2-year non-randomized clinical trial… Read More »