Diet for men with prostate cancer

By | March 10, 2021

diet for men with prostate cancer

You may have heard of certain foods or dietary supplements that might help slow the growth of prostate cancer or lower the risk of it coming back after treatment. Or that some foods could be harmful for men with prostate cancer. This page has information on some of these foods. But there isn’t strong evidence for any of them, as different studies have had different results. Many men want to know if any foods, or a particular diet, can help or even cure prostate cancer. Some studies suggest that certain foods could help slow down the growth of prostate cancer or lower the chance of it coming back after treatment. We describe some of these foods below.

The initial results of the study showed that men with prostate cancer can sustain a healthier eating pattern. ZERO offers free, comprehensive support for prostate cancer patients. Selenium Supplementation and Prostate Cancer Mortality. Soya beans and other pulses Soya beans belong to a group of plants called pulses or legumes. When you are faced with a prostate cancer diagnosis, nutrition can be an important part of your journey. Intakes of red meat and dairy products appear also to be related to increased risk of metastatic prostate cancer. For example, do not eat eggs that are not cooked solid, and do not eat raw fish, oysters, or shellfish. What to Do: Substitute olive oil for your current cooking oil, but remember to use in moderation. The level of exercise appropriate for you will depend on the type and stage of cancer you have, your cancer treatment, and your overall fitness level, strength and stamina. Fat You need to eat some fat for your body to work properly.

Funded in part by. Some may even be harmful. The benefit for fruits and vegetables in regards to cancer protection may be related to high amounts of carotenoids in diet fruits and vegetables, according to some key population studies. Endocr Relat Die. Understanding cancer cancer and making treatment men can be difficult. With a high number of calories every day provides cells with more prostate, which can promote the growth of tumor cells.